This Two-Tone Carnation would make a beautiful bouquet! Carnations’ natural and original color is pink, but over time we have developed many more colors this flower can be grown in, so feel free to experiment with different color combinations.
Our sample was made with worsted weight yarn, such as Deborah Norville’s Everyday yarn, but it can be made with any weight of yarn. Finer weights will create smaller flowers and bulkier weights will create larger flowers. Everyday yarn comes in 35 solid colors and 29 variegated colors.
Watch the right-handed video lesson:
Watch the left-handed video lesson:
Here are the quick links to products and videos contained in this post:
Two-Tone Carnation Free Crochet Pattern
Deborah Norville Everyday Yarn
Maggie is excited to offer Seven Free Flower Crochet Patterns: Wild Rose, Vickie’s Small Flower, Two-Tone Carnation, Pink Candle Flower, Cabbage Rose, Camellia Rose, and Mini Daisy.
Find more flower patterns here, here, and here.
Hugs, Maggie
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