
Free Pattern – Starbella Flash Arm-knitted Scarf

Last week we made a scarf using Starbella Arctic® from Premier® Yarns to make a hand-chained scarf. (If you missed that video lesson, you can find it here.) Today we’re going to be using Starbella Flash® to knit a scarf using our arms as the knitting needles! Sounds a little bit scary, doesn’t it? Actually, it is a fairly simple process and you will love the results.


This scarf is so easy to make, you don’t even need a pattern. Grab some Starbella Flash® and let’s go!

View the right-handed Video Tutorial:

View the left-handed Video Tutorial:

Just for review purposes, here are some still images from the video.


Preparing to cast on

Capture 3

5 stitches cast on and preparing to knit the first stitch


Capture 4

“Knitting” a stitch



Capture 5

3 knitted rows



Capture 6

“Binding off”



Capture 7




Capture 1

Another finished scarf from Maggie!

Now you know how to knit without using needles! Don’t you feel smart? And you have a great fashion accessory to add to your collection!

Don’t forget, if you would like to go back and review the hand chained scarf, you can find it here.

Happy crafting,


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Comments (2)

  • Andee 11 years ago Reply

    Your viedo on arm knitting is fantastic! Thanks!!

    maggieweldon 11 years ago Reply

    Thank you! We will have more videos on arm knitting very soon. You can subscribe to our Maggie Weldon Youtube channel for more videos illustrating all sorts of techniques.

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