
Maggie's Essay Contest: I would rather crochet than eat when I'm hungry!

Although Maggie has selected the top three entries, we want you to nominate your favorite essays for the People’s Choice award. The recipient of the award will win a package of crochet books and yarn totaling over $100.

To vote, click on the blog article. At the bottom of the article you will see a “Facebook like” button. The entry with the most likes by February 14th, 2012 wins. NOTE: You must have a Facebook account to participate. You can vote for as many essays as you want, but the top three entries do not qualify for this portion of the contest.

I would rather crochet than eat when I’m hungry!

BY: Wilma Beasley

As a new bride in 1970, I learned to crochet from a neighbor who taught me how to chain and single crochet.  It was a challenge for both of us since she was left handed and I was right handed, which hinders my teaching somewhat else to this day.  We finally got it together and I could single crochet!  I was so excited that I went right to the dime store and bought one skein of variegated green yarn, my favorite color.  This began the longest project I would ever do.  I laugh now, but I would single crochet one skein at the time into a whole afghan.

As newlyweds money was tight, the yarn was $.88 a skein, $.50 on sale.  I use to see people buy several skeins and wonder how they could afford to buy so much yarn at one time!!  Now even though yarn is way more expensive, I understand and am president of that club.  If you see a beautiful ball of yarn and you must have it, cause you’ll never find it again and since you don’t know what you will do with it yet you get 2 skeins (or more) just in case.  I now have a wonderful stash of yarn. I have even instructed my daughter, in the event of my death, to give all my yarn to the Linus Project, an organization that creates and distributes blankets to children that “need a hug.” I don’t know if they can use it all for the babies, but I think they will know other organizations that can use it.

When I first began to crochet, the only patterns I had access to came from the grocery store ladies magazines.  I especially loved the Christmas ones:  25 gifts for friends and family, all it took was time and dedication.  Don’t judge me but I may still have some of these magazines in my sewing room.

I am a “giver,” I think most people who crochet are.  I love to give projects to people especially those who are not expecting anything.  A friend of ours is really sweet to share her chicken eggs (they make the best cakes!) with us. I was able to find her a towel with both chickens and eggs on it and even found a chicken button for it.  I love how that project turned out.  Keep your eyes open and you will find wonderful things to crochet on for friends and family.

I also love to give things to people that cannot be bought and can be shared for years to come.  For instance, my daughter-in-law’s sister chose chocolate and pink for her nursery, not typical baby colors. With my crocheting skills I was able to make her an afghan, pillow, hat and booties with the colors of her choice. It’s a gift, that if taken care of, she can give to her children one day and share with them the love that was used to make it.

My husband and I recently celebrated our 42nd anniversary. He loved for me to travel with him when I could for business conventions. Now that he is retired we take “day trips.” I keep a bag packed with supplies, so I’m ready to grab it and go at a moment’s notice. I am always ready to crochet.  I take my crochet bag and I can entertain myself for hours in the waiting room, in motel lobbies, airports etc.  I especially love hotel lobbies as someone will always ask “What you working on” or (My favorite) “ You do lovely work” and a conversation will start.  I have met so many interesting people this way. My “go to” travel project is to do a topper on a towel that hangs on a drawer handle in the kitchen or bath.  I do at least one of these, usually more, every time we take a trip.  My husband said one time he wished he knew how many I had made over the years!  I admit I love it when he notices things like that.   Sometimes when I am not paying attention, I make mistakes, not as often as I used to but it still happens.  No stress just pull it out and start over. Not all mistakes will break your heart and some turn into happy accidents.

Once I was talking while making a kitchen scrubber and forgot to put the back on before I finished the sides. After finishing it I decided I like this better than the crochet bottom because there are two scrubbie sides.  A happy accident was born.  While I am sure Maggie Weldon wants us to buy from her, I believe that what is really important to Maggie is that her customers enjoy their crochet experience.  Maggie is lucky enough to love what she does and what she loves pays her bills. I believe that as long as she has this passion her business will thrive.  I love doing business with her, as my creativity is able to thrive through her hard work and dedication. I tell my husband all the time that I really am a “low maintenance wife.”  I would much rather have a beautiful skein of yarn than diamonds. A look at my sewing room shows just how much he’s saved not buying diamonds. It really is true … “I really would rather crochet than eat when I’m hungry!

Thanks for reading,

Hugs, Maggie

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Comments (4)

  • Janis Smith 12 years ago Reply

    This is my sister & she taught me how to crochet. I have enjoyed this craft very much & love telling people how she taught me. I love looking at the things she has made & know that I will always have great memories of her. Love you, Wilma

  • Sherry 12 years ago Reply

    Being cousins with Wilma, and seeing the joy as she creates–we’re so blessed that we get to enjoy some of the fruits of her labors!

  • Rose M Hargrove 11 years ago Reply

    I enjoy my craft as well, Wilma is my kind of gal, God bless you sweet lady.

  • Jackie Wetzel 11 years ago Reply

    I never know how do crochet and knit! til a month ago I learn with knitted and I fell in love then learn on crochet and I fell in love more! I realized how much I love doing knit and crochet ruffle scarf and I will learn doing on a blanket soon!

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