
‘Tis the Season For Crochet in Advertising!

Yes, it’s that time of year again, when our thoughts turn to….colds, flu, and fall allergies. I don’t know about you, but I’m having a battle with allergy sniffles and stuffiness myself. Eyes, nose, throat, you name it. So imagine my surprise and delight upon finding this video:

No, you aren’t seeing things. Those were crocheted props, from the suffering little doll looking for relief from an impromptu steam bath to the anatomy of her head, which is amazingly accurate. Even the advertised cure is expertly rendered. What an amazingly creative and effective use of crochet in advertising!

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If you would like to see more about how this ad was created, you can read all about it here, but you will need to translate it because the designer, Yan, is from Argentina.

Now, where did I put that tissue box?


Maggie Weldon

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Comments (3)

  • Renee Kunkel 11 years ago Reply

    I would LOVE to see the pattern for the head- With a bit of tweaking I could see these becoming the new LEATHER face halloween props.

  • Linda Kennedy 11 years ago Reply

    LOVE THIS!!! Crochet is so much more versatile than knitting and seeing it used like this is amazing,
    Thanks for sharing.

  • Jessica-Jean 11 years ago Reply

    Did you notice that the navy blue background is knitted?

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